This is my entry for this week’s Illustration Friday word of the week.

This is my entry for this week’s Illustration Friday word of the week. The word of the week is, “fluid”. I created an underwater tea party. Included in the underwater festivities is Aquaman. I like Aquaman. He can breathe underwater and converse with fish. Aquaman was my favorite superhero when I was especially young. Here is an Aquaman fact, the amazing king of Atlantis has been around since 1941. I have a sinking suspicion that Spongebob is somehow related to him.

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10 thoughts on “This is my entry for this week’s Illustration Friday word of the week.

  1. Cindy D. says:

    Haha I love how you included the deep sea diver from a fish tank At least that’s what I think he is. We had one! I have a feeling the mermaid would prefer some alone time with Aquaman, but the deep sea diver is being a bit dense, poor guy. So many great details, including the tea setting and the fish and urchins. Nice!

  2. Cindy D,
    The diver does look like he is a third wheel and a diver from a fish tank. I had a fish tank with a diver in it when I was a kid, as well. Maybe, the mermaid invited him to her tea party out of pity or because of a feeling of duty. Poor scuba diver, he is going to feel really uncomfortable if Aquaman and the mermaid canoodle on her underwater sofa. Thanks for the thoughtful comment.

  3. Nathan says:

    Great picture. Those must be British biscuits to stay hard underwater. You do realize that the puffer fish senses danger, which your preciousness Aquaman obviously doesn’t. Moreover, I think your Gimp diver is getting equal attention from both the mermaid and Aquaman. Nice use of colors and how you used the kelp to frame the Tea Party members. And again, hot mermaid.

  4. Drawrite says:

    Ha ha ha! Its their lucky day!

  5. Jeremy says:

    Awesome pic Dave, keep on keeping on with the illustrations!

  6. Jeremy,
    Thanks for taking a look at my illustration. Looking forward to seeing you in a months time in KC.

  7. Christophe says:

    Mr Blowfish doesn’t seem too happy about this reunion! I think he’s jealous.

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